Dark Grace - Jon Eden Khan
Dark matter is the source and root of all dense and subtle matter, and the Great Mother transmits through that darkness the eternal nourishment, abundance, sacred intelligence, unconditional blessing, and fertile creativity that lives through all matter.
The Mysteries of the Mother - Jon Eden Khan
Current humanity for the most part is orphaned. We have lost connection to our original parents. The Great Mother and Great Father.
The 2025 Shamballa Impact - Jon Eden Khan
For those wanting to understand more about the 2025 Shamballa Impact, Shamballa is the energy centre within the being (logos) of the Earth that transmits its monadic energy.
2025 and the Light of Victory - Jon Eden Khan
So many of us in this community have been practicing, working, and serving for years – some decades – to arrive at this moment.
The dawning of 2025.
Dark Development - Jon Eden Khan
As I’ve written before, something that seems to be revealing itself is that the dark is not just one thing. There are various aspects to the dark, each involving different realities that are important for us to track if we’re interested in dark development.
The Secret of the Destroyer - Jon Eden Khan
You may have heard of me, through fearful or reverential names…
The Three Initiations of Money - Jon Eden Khan
Something that has been downloading for me for a while is that there are different initiations around money related to the different levels of our being.
The End and the Beginning - Jon Eden Khan
Child, if you truly wish to die unto the ALL,
If this really be your will,
The Fire of the One - Jon Eden Khan
When the fire of the One starts to flame,
To burn away all that is of time and space,
The True Nature of God - Jon Eden Khan
God must be one of the most charged and divisive words in the English language.
The Terrible and Beautiful Truth of Things - Jon Eden Khan
To be able to see this world and the people in it, including ourselves, through the eyes of the soul takes incredible strength and tenderness.
The Synthesis of Radical Awakening Traditions -Jon Eden Khan
As an new global spirituality starts to arise on the planet, we can start to see how the major radical awakening traditions each transmit different aspects of the ultimate ground of all creation.
The Mystery Schools Part 2: The Return - Jon Eden Khan
The esoteric understanding of the path of awakening in ancient cultures was encoded in their mythology, which has been at the core of all the Mystery Schools.
The Mystery Schools Part 1: The History - Jon Eden Khan
The Mysteries played a central role in ancient cultures as pathways of self-development, transformation and awakening through which many of those who would go on to play significant roles in society would pass.
The Mysteries of the Father - Jon Eden Khan
The true mysteries of the Father went deep underground a few thousand years ago.
An Introduction to the Trans-Himalayan Teachings - Jon Eden Khan
All spiritual traditions are custodians of a transmission. Essentially, that transmission embodies an assertion as to the wonder, goodness, and power of Reality.
The Esoteric Mysteries of Family, Parenthood, and Secure Attachment - Jon Eden Khan
In the esoteric symbology of the mystery schools, the trinity of our being – spirit, soul, and matter – are represented as father, child, and mother.
The Monadic Redemption of Hell - Jon Eden Khan
In the 14th Century, Dante Alighieri described the levels of hell in his Inferno.
Radical and Evolutionary Awakening - Jon Eden Khan
This article offers an in depth consideration of radical and evolutionary awakening and the interactions between them on the path.
The Great Tradition of Radical Awakening - Jon Eden Khan
Over the course of history, certain pioneers of our collective journey, from Helena Blavatsky and Sri Aurobindo to Adi Da and Ken Wilber, have pointed out that all different spiritual traditions of our world form different streams of one tradition.