The Mysteries of the Mother - Jon Eden Khan
"I am Isis, I am all that has been, and is, and shall be; and no mortal has ever seen behind my veil."
Inscription on a statue of the goddess Isis at the Temple of Sais, Egypt
Current humanity for the most part is orphaned.
We have lost connection to our original parents.
The Great Mother and Great Father.
As orphans we go about our lives disconnected from the deep powers that are our source and the sacred truths of our origins that they hold.
In that space of disconnection, the present global civilisation has risen.
How trapped human civilisation is in mind and the fight for mental dominance that characterises our nations, governments, and communities stems from loss of connection to the Great Father.
The violent, unconscious, and abusive ways we treat the biosphere, the ecosystems of this planet, and our own bodies stem from our loss of connection to the Great Mother.
And yet, in the burning ground of the current global initiation, humanity is starting to remember the sacred mysteries that reconnect us to our original parents and resituate our story as the divine child of two divine powers.
The mysteries of the last 2000 years have centred around the son and daughter.
Horus, Jesus, Krishna, and Heracles as the son embarked on the spiritual journey to find and live from their own inner connection to the divine.
Innana, Persephone, and Ishtar all descend into the underworld of our broken hearted loss of connection to the sacred only to recover it.
The mysteries of the father and mother are not about beings that go on a journey.
They are about divine forces, and forces that are now coming for their child – humanity.
The mysteries of the mother are found in the truth that we have always been held.
That humanity has never left the embrace of the immaculate mother, and nor has the body, heart, belly, and blood of any being in any kingdom of this bountiful planet.
That she lives through all matter – from every galaxy cluster, star, and planet to every twig, grain of sand, and cell of our bodies.
In our forgetfulness of Her, we have built a civilisation fuelled by the terrifying story of our isolation and the adrenaline it activates in our bodies.
We sense ourselves as unsupported, alone, and certainly not held.
Most of our civilisation don’t even remember her, save the indigenous communities of the planet who have never left her.
The mysteries of the mother are the true medicine for our dis-regulated, chronically diseased bodies. It is her transmission that reconnects us to the sacred ground of matter out of which our bodies arise and by which they are always held.
The mysteries of the mother are the true source of the regeneration so desperately needed in the natural world. It is her transmission of natural, organic, materially harmonic and coherent life that resets the degradation of our ecosystems.
The mysteries of the mother are that her grace, abundance, love, and life swim through all matter.
That she is always and never-endingly feeling through all bodies – cosmic and earthly.
Her truth is that we are always held, and that our role is only to enter the discipline of letting ourselves fully rest back into that.
When we do so, we end the nightmare isolation of our bodies and allow our nervous systems to plug back into the true source of their health, ease, and regulation.