Dark Development - Jon Eden Khan

Something I’m noticing recently in our collective field is a massive upgrade in the number of people who are in real processes of the dark realities of their being coming online, often in ways that are deeply vulnerable and totally life changing.

And, as the first AVATARA Level 2 event approaches, I’m looking forward to going deeper into the mysteries of the dark to serve what feel like the next steps in this work that are possible.

As I’ve written before, something that seems to be revealing itself is that the dark is not just one thing. There are various aspects to the dark, each involving different realities that are important for us to track if we’re interested in dark development.

One distinction I’ve been tracking that feels important here is between the dark formless space or void that most traditions understand pervades the field of creation, and the expressions of the dark that rise through it.

To picture this, imagine a sea of dark space. That dark space is the formless void out of which all the experience of self, consciousness, energy and matter emerge and then express on the different planes.

Out of this void of space, a pulse of the one non-dual dark Life that is the divine nothing and everything - the power, love, and creativity of the universal One - rises and anchors itself at the heart of the 7 planes.

It then polarises into the dark of the monad and the dark of matter.

The dark of the monad is the divine identity, will, purpose, and radical being at the core of who we are across all 7 planes. It has its home most naturally on the higher three planes but then anchors seeds of itself in the body-mind at the crown, heart, and base.

When we experience this, it is the all-ravishing power, love, and creative force of God-itself. As the teachings say, one foundational aspect of monadic experience is what they call ‘identification’, which involves a radical shift so that one instinctually knows oneself AS the divine will, purpose, and being of Life itself, without there being any self-reflective self or consciousness to know that.

The dark of matter is the source out of which all matter rises and then coalesces and densifies to form the bodies of our being across all 7 planes. It has its home most naturally in the body of the earth from which it rises to clothe us in fields of living energy.

When we experience this, there is an opening to the dark current of pure nourishment, delight, abundance and creative fertility that is the deep source of all matter. This is the source of true safety, regeneration, and material ‘home’.

Between these two darks the light of the soul bursts into being and the journey begins.

The key point here is that experiencing the dark void of space that pervades all these layers of expression is very different to experiencing the dark of the monad, the dark of matter, or the synthetic dark that is the source of them both.

Something I’ve observed in myself and others over years is that experience of the formless dark of space often comes before experience of the dark of the monad or the dark of matter. I don’t fully understand why that is yet. Perhaps we need to access the former before we can access the latter. Maybe it readies our system in some way.

My sense is that a lot of people in our field are having experiences of the dark across these different aspects. Mostly I observe people start with the formless dark void of space. Then some tend to access the dark of matter. Fewer, though still a growing number, access the dark of the monad.

As 2025 approaches, where it is the monadic dark of Earth itself that is coming to activate the monadic dark core in humanity, which we are told needs right relationship with the dark of matter to truly land, I want to make this process of deepening our journey around dark development a central part of what I offer through AVATARA.


2025 and the Light of Victory - Jon Eden Khan


The Secret of the Destroyer - Jon Eden Khan