Mercury Transmissions 2020


In spring 2020, as the global pandemic began, a new series of Trans-Himalayan teachings started to be received by Bruce Lyon from what we understand as the Master Djwhal Khul - the Tibetan teacher responsible for much of the earlier phases of teaching in this tradition. These teachings carry the previously received teachings a step deeper, in preparation for the third phase of these teachings that we expect to come around 2025.

The emphasis of these teachings is planetary initiation. They contain a great deal of new information on the life principle, monadic contact, black holes, planetary kundalini, and global psychology. Their aim is to provide a working manual for groups emerging in this seventh ray Aquarian age by evoking the relationship of humanity as a whole to the world soul, the planetary life and its cosmic origin. At the end of this series of transmissions, an opportunity is given to apply these teachings in a deeper experiential journey for those called.

Click below to access these teachings as well as video commentaries on them from Bruce Lyon and Jon Eden Khan.