

Tracy Kelleher is a soul guide, energetic interpreter, group facilitator, and templar of the emerging modern mystery schools. She is given to bridging the connection between spirit and matter in deep devotion to the beauty of Earth and the uniquely exquisite expressions of Love that each of us as humans hold.

In her client work as a soul guide, Tracy listens for the notes of individual souls through deep attunement and energetic fluency to find the places within us that are already vibrating with embodied purpose and love. She is both soul midwife and doula for death - bearing witness and holding the ground for our inherent wholeness as we traverse initiatory thresholds. Tracy’s group work focuses on activating fields of vibratory coherence between humans, igniting group capacity for flow, healing and creativity. She is endlessly passionate about the possibilities in group work for revelation and magic, and cohesion is her greatest turn on.

In 2021, Tracy co-founded Chesapeake Temple, a sanctuary for soul culture on American soil. Since 2017 she has trained and studied with Luminous Awareness Institute, based in Colorado, USA, and currently serves on their healing team. In a previous iteration of life, she spent years in a study of humanity while working in the hospitality industry and first discovered her note of service through those experiences. Currently she is fully given to experimenting with emergent technology focused on how to move, live, and express as a unified group being for the purpose of collective evolution.

Learn more about Tracy’s work here.