

On this page you can find practices drawn from or inspired by the teachings we work with in AVATARA.

Door in the Heart Meditation: This is a meditation given in the Mercury Transmissions that is focussed on supporting people to access the current of monadic life in the core of their heart. It invites us to learn how to open to the monadic current so we can be a receiver of life as well as a source of life to the fields we are connected to.

Surrender to the One Meditation: This meditation is to support people to access their monadic core. The process of doing that is radically simple. As T.S. Elliot said, “It is a condition of complete simplicity that costs nothing less than everything”. It requires us to come to our heart, come to a place of truly sincere and naked surrender, and give our consent to the power, love, and creativity of our monadic core, where we are a dark ray of the One, to come online through our life.

Heart Identification Meditation: This is meditation given in Occult Cosmology focussing on accessing deeper and deeper layers of the heart, from the personal layer to soul to spirit to the Absolute, and back again.