Ethics in Transformational Work
In AVATARA, we are committed to offering powerful transformational events that balance each participants’ evolutionary stretch with their embodied safety.
Our retreats ask a lot of people. We invite our participants to learn to inhabit the sacred power, love, and creativity of their spirit, soul, and body, so as to touch the One Life that is the essence of all of them.
We aim to work in a way that is attuned to the pace of peoples' bodies and nervous systems and to the sensitivity of the soul, all while offering a space for the radicality of their core.
We intentionally design our processes in a way that supports the ongoing integration of experiences during the retreat itself. We aim to create spaces where participants feel safe within themselves and each other.
We are aware of the implications of power differentials that come with the role of facilitators and teachers, and encourage an atmosphere where feedback is welcome and appreciated. We don't shy away from challenging conversations, including those about possible shadows in our work and community, and we honour personal boundaries at all times.
We never push any participants into any activities that they express a no to, and do our best to create a culture that welcomes each participant’s authentic yes and no.
Our retreats are not designed for personality development or trauma healing, although they may include aspects of these. Instead, participation requires a foundation in self-responsibility, nervous system regulation, embodiment work, emotional work, trauma healing, consciousness work, soul work, and a willingness to undertake the demanding journey of opening to one’s core.
While we take our duty of care for each participant seriously, we are also uncompromising on the focus of our events being the awakening of the body, soul, and spirit of each person so as to reveal their essential divinity. This is vulnerable, as it can feel directly confrontational to the personality identities that run so much of our lives and humanity as a whole, and that are based in fear, separation, and attempts to keep us safe that actually block deeper intimacy with ourselves, each other, and life itself. The sensitivity and care we extend to our participants is around the vulnerability entailed in releasing these identities, not for the indulgence or preservation of them.
Our application process evaluates whether a potential participant has the necessary foundation, and we may encourage individuals to explore other trainings first if they are not yet ready for an AVATARA retreat.
AVATARA is an eros-positive space where our innate life-force energy is included and honored, though sexuality is not a primary focus of our work. Facilitators maintain clear boundaries and do not engage in interactions involving sexual energy with participants unless they are in a pre-established relationship.
AVATARA is not dogmatic. Our work is sourced in a living body of teachings that are unfolding over time, and we are always seeking to evolve and deepen our understanding of them. When people come to AVATARA events, there is no expectation to buy into these teachings, but rather an invitation to experiment with them over the course of the event and see if they add value to people’s lives. We are totally fine with people not resonating with the teachings we work with, or resonating with some aspects and not others as they define their own path.
We invite participants to fill out feedback forms after every retreat and take their responses seriously.
If you’d like to offer us any feedback you can do so here.
If you feel that you have experienced something at one of our events that needs to be addressed or cleared, or if you feel you have been harmed in any way, you can also fill out the form below so we can get back to you. On request, all feedback will be kept strictly confidential.
If you prefer to share this anonymously, we have set up an independent third party that you can do this with by contacting this person here.