The Evolutionary Awakening of Christ - Jon Eden Khan

Image: Alex Grey - Cosmic Christ

The title of this article could also be: The Passion of Fully Surrendering to being Lived by Life till the End...and there is no end.

Something that is so powerful to explore is that Buddha and Christ each embodied such a profound example of radical and evolutionary awakening.

As I have written of elsewhere, Gautama Buddha’s teaching offered humanity incredibly precise guidance on how to deconstruct the entirety of our perception of relative reality down to reveal our true nature – our buddha nature – as the one absolute reality arising as all creation.

In the Trans-Himalayan teaching it is said that the Buddha was the World Teacher of his time, but that his work was completed upon his enlightenment, with Christ then taking on the role of World Teacher for the Age of Pisces and now also for the now dawning Age of Aquarius.

Remember that in these teachings, Christ is understood as a different being to Jesus.

This is in alignment with certain esoteric Christian Gnostic schools that also understood that Jesus was a man who was operated through by a higher presence - the Christ.

The being of Christ is understood to be the same being the Buddha spoke of as Maitreya Buddha, the next Buddha to come, and the same being who previously incarnated as Krishna.

Jesus is understood to have taken the 4th initiation in his life, as he died on the cross. He then took the 5th degree, became a master and took control of the 6th ray ashram in his life as Appolonius of Tyrana.

While Gautama Buddha focussed his life teaching on radical awakening to ultimate reality, Christ focussed his on the full fire of embodied evolutionary awakening.

Indeed, it is understood that the mystical significance of Christ’s incarnation through Jesus is that he embodied publicly for the whole world all 5 initiations that were the focus of the ancient mystery schools, from birth to baptism to transfiguration to crucifixion to the revelation.

Christ represented the soul – the unit of pure love – who was both incarnated in the embodied initiate man, Jesus, and who opened itself in vulnerable surrender to give everything to being lived by the Will of the Father on Earth.

Remember that moment in the Garden of Gesthemane where it said in the New Testament that after a deeply challenging time alone the Christ eventually came to the point of saying:

"Father, not mine will, but thy Will be done."

That Father is what the Trans-Himalayan teachings call Sanat Kumara, the incarnated monad of Earth who dwells in Shamballa, and in those teachings it is said that it was this act of surrender that established the first thread of the energetic bridge between Hierarchy and Shamballa.

Take a moment to take that in. It’s telling us that it was the vulnerable and courageous surrender of one being, who in a time of incredible pressure said yes to being stretched between Hierarchy and Shamballa in a way that had never been done before, which established a bridge between these two great planetary centres.

And this isn’t the only extraordinary fact were are given about the being of Christ. At another point in his teaching through Alice Bailey, DK tells us that in the archives held by Hierarchy on the soul planes, Christ is understood to have evolved faster than any other being in history.

He tells us that while the Buddha was the last of moon chain humanity to achieve enlightenment, the Christ was the first of earth chain humanity to do so.

What that means is the Christ as a being is comparatively young in terms of the number of incarnations that being has taken, but that the speed of his evolution is completely unparalleled.

Again, take in what that really means. Christ is a being of love, and so for his evolution to be totally unparalleled in speed, that means he chose love in a way that had him break through to the who he truly is, in the most challenging and vulnerable of circumstances, again and again and again.

DK also tells us that Christ anchored a solar octave of love for the first time on Earth. That is, he aligned with and incarnated the love that pours through the heart of the solar Logos for the first time in the history of the planet. Before that beings had connected to and anchored the love of the planetary logos of Earth, but never before the solar Logos.

What all of this adds up to is that while the Buddha transmitted the freedom of radical awakening, Christ is an incredible example of the passion of evolutionary awakening.

While the Buddha is the perfect embodiment of wisdom, Christ is the perfect embodiment of love.

It is the integration of these two forms of awakening that we’re called to today:

To radically awaken via true wisdom to our true nature that is the empty, radiant totality of the ultimate ground.

And to fully, vulnerably, and courageously show up as love to integrate body, masculine, feminine, soul and monadic core.


Buddha-Nature: The Most Naked You’ve Ever Been - Jon Eden Khan